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News Post


A quick survey

Writer's picture: DPCCDPCC

Dorset Parent-Carer Council have been working with Dorset Local Authority Mental Capacity Act team to provide a number of events for parent carers to attend and learn more about THE MENTAL CAPACITY ACT, what it will mean for you, and your young person.

We want to ensure that as many parent carers as possible are able to attend. To assist us with our planning please would you complete the following short survey monkey indicating the days of the week/times/venues that best suit you.

Q : What is The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) ?

A : It is a law designed to is designed to protect and empower individuals who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care and treatment.

Q : From what age does the MCA apply to young people?

A : The mental Capacity Act applies to individuals aged 16 and over.

Q : Why do I need to know about the MCA?

A : “ The Children and Families Act 2014 gives significant new rights directly to young people once they reach the end of compulsory school age (the end of the academic year in which they turn 16). When a young person reaches the end of compulsory school age, local authorities and other agencies should normally engage directly with the young person rather than their parent, ensuring that as part of the planning process they identify the relevant people who should be involved and how to involve them.”

(quote from the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice 2014).

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